Welcome / Post your whereabouts here
Hello all! We wanted to come up with a way to communicate information to everyone in our church in light of the Hurricane...and this is what we came up with. This is a blog (or a weblog) where you can come to get information and to communicate with other people from the church. Pastor Brad and I (Doug) will be the two primary people to post here. BUT you can contribute by posting comments on our messages. In fact, post a comment on the bottom of this message that lets us all know who you are and where you are so that we know you are okay. As for Crystal and I, we are in Birmingham staying with good friends.
Hey there.. I was thinking about all of my family at Berean... and wanted to let you know that I and my church family here in Phoenix are praying for your saftey.. as well as an opportunity for you to minister to all the people that have become displaced, lost loved ones, etc. May God turn this tragic event into something WONDERFUL for New Orleans!! If anyones needs a place to stay.. I am in Phoenix.. but would love the company! (you probably wouldn't like it here... 112 today!!) Tomorrow starts our AWANA program.. and I'll be having my Sparkies praying for you too!
Answer me when I call to you,
O my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress;
be merciful to me and hear my prayer.
2 How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame [a] ?
How long will you love delusions and seek false gods [b] ?
3 Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself;
the LORD will hear when I call to him.
4 In your anger do not sin;
when you are on your beds,
search your hearts and be silent.
5 Offer right sacrifices
and trust in the LORD.
6 Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?"
Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD.
7 You have filled my heart with greater joy
than when their grain and new wine abound.
8 I will lie down and sleep in peace,
for you alone, O LORD,
make me dwell in safety.
God Bless...
Davitta Antonowicz (aka Dee)
Hey this is the Schulers and we're at Camp Victory in South Alabama. We've contacted the Olschners who are in Navarre Beach, Florida. All are fine and worried about homes. If anyone has information about Algiers and specifically around Woodland Hwy area please contact us at Camp (334)898-7948, cells 504-220-2239 or 504-232-9262, or e-mail sybil13@juno.com. Stay safe and keep us posted. Thanks.
Traci for all the Schulers
Hello All,
Julie and I are with my mom and stepdad in Quitman, Texas, just north of Tyler. We are praying for you all and know that the Lord will glorify Himself in all of this. God is good, all the time! As Job asked, "Shall we accept all the good from the Lord and not the bad?" Please call us at 903-763-0436. We can pray together, cry together and hope together. It is frustrating to not be able to minister to the flock we love and to not know that all are well. We will keep in touch as best we can. John Piper's quote is so appropriate now. "God is never more glorified in us than when we are most satisfied in Him" May we all trust in Him fully and rest patitently in His grace and love. He never fails! To "Dee" in Phoenix, thanks for all the comforting verses! From a public library in a very small town.
Blessings, He never fails!
Pastor Brad and Julie
Hello All...This is Charles, Jean, Joshua and Shannon McPhee. We are in Lafayette staying with Jean's college roommate's family. They have been tremendously generous to us and have openned their home to us for however long we need. All of our family did evacuate and all are safe. We have access to email at jmcphee1@cox.net but no access to email addresses so write if you can. In God's Gracious Hands, The McPhee Family
Hello, This is Clayton.
I'm safe in Dallas with my dad. Werer at my brothers house and the rest of the family is coming from Missisppi were they went. I have heard that most of Kenner has drained, but I don't know anything more about my home. Stan told me he found out from someone who stayed that his house had a couple inches of water but was otherwise OK.
Hi Everyone, this is Catherine Hooper - Joe, Shannon, and I are staying in Atlanta with Joe's parents. Our email address is hooper.family@gmail.com. Our number is 770-458-3516. I'm so glad we have a way of communicating with everyone!
Contacted Bob and Pam Van Houten in Algiers and they are ok. They are leaving NO in a couple of days and heading to Carolina.
Traci Schuler
If anyone contacted the Van Houtens, the Isamingers have been trying to reach you. If anyone can get in contact with them, PLEASE ask them to call 281-788-9346 IMMEDIATELY!!!
Hi, this is Michael Cusimano. My family and I are alive and well in Jefferson, Texas, just across the border from Shreveport. We'll probably be heading to Baton Rouge on Friday to stay with relatives there. We found out today that our house is dry and OK, except for some shingle damage. My brother-in-law is the fire chief at Marrero Ragusa Fire Dept. and is working on the Westbank. If anyone needs property checked out on the Westbank, email me with your address and I will try to get a request to him to have it checked out. My email address is mcusimano@bellsouth.net.
Love, Michael
Has anyone heard from Debra or Keil North? If so, PLEASE ask them to call Maddy at 281-788-9346. Thank you.
Praying everyone is safe.
From Margaret for the Reilly family. So glad this was started! My heart has been heavy today thinking about all of you and praying all were safe. I hope we get many more posts.
I evacuated to Houston with son Aaron so he could fly back to Denver. Jim, Ryan, Andrew and Emily drove to Alexandria. On Thursady, I will drive to Alexandria while Jim will drive to Houston to meet with his employers. We will try to go into Kenner next week to get some more clothes and Ryan's school stuff, take him to Ruston, then perhaps back to Houston to get the kids enrolled in school and stay there until Jefferson Parish Schools open again. So very thankful we got out, and also hurting for the suffering still in the city!
Nathan and I went to Monroe with my parents and brother and sister-in-law and their 3 girls. We stayed from Sat thru Tues and are now in Morgan City with family. My my brother, Joey, his wife, Christi, and her whole family parents, grandparents, 3 siblings and kids, lost absolutey everything in Chalmette. Looks like the water receeded in Metairie, so we have some hope. The plan for now is to settle here and get the kids in school. I've got offers to work at the local hospital and will probably start Monday. The community here has been wonderful. My aunt has tons of room and her neighbor (who I grew up with) is also a nurse, they opened up their converted garage room to us as well.
Pray for my brother and sister-in-law, many of you have met over the years. It's all so surreal. I'm so glad the Westbank is fine and what was I ever thinking moving back to the eastbank! Well, technically, now I'm back on the westbank.
Also, my next door neighbor is a big wig with the Army Corps of Engineers, I'm trying to get in touch with his wife who left for Dallas. As soon as I get any info, I'll send it on. And when the teens wake up they can show me how to use the blog.
Love and prayers to all,
Sheila, Daniel, Stephen, Christopher and I are all ok in the Lafayette area. If
anyone has information on the area around N.O. East especially (Crowder and
Chef) it would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Everyone,
This is Dennis & Julie, we are in Ruston with Dana & Laura. We brought all of Laura's dorm stuff so she can move in and start school. If you can get to a phone you can call her dorm room 318-257-4151. We are going to be moving to a friend of Dana's today. We enrolled Dillon in high school here and he is supposed to start on Tuesday. This is so hard not being able to see you all and talk to each other. Praying for strength as we go through this trial. This is so hard. We love you all and will check the blog often to hear from you.
Dennis & Julie
Another bit of info. Guess who is Laura's next door neighbor in the dorm? Lauren Cobb-how neat is that. We talked to Vern & Chris and they are heading to Baton Rouge where the Times Picayune is setting up head quarters. They are unsure of the damage to their house. They live in Covington.
Hello all,
It is so good to read of everyone's whereabouts. The kids and I are in Bixby, Oklahoma (suburb of Tulsa) at my parents' house. (918)298-2189. My parents don't have a computer (argh!) but my good friend who lives near them has given me free reign at her house, so you can reach me at melindamorris@cox.net or my parents' phone. Paul and Caroline started school, reluctantly, here today. They miss friends and they (and I)particularly miss Tim, who stayed at the Times-Picayune with a skeleton staff through Tuesday morning, when they were evacuated on the back of a delivery truck on a 12-hour ride to Baton Rouge, where the T-P is now ensconced at LSU. Communication with him is tough but you can try temorris@cox.net. I'm sure he can use encouragement as he is without family and has very little personal possessions with him. Please pray for him.
We are looking forward to reuiniting as soon as possible. The kids are really struggling with Tim's absence.
FYI to Algerines: I spoke to Munn Hunds Tuesday night; he's pastor at Woodland Presbyterian and lives on my street (Hudson Place). He stayed throughout the storm. The whole neighborhood fared very well he says. However I have heard looters have moved into the west bank and I haven't been able to reach Munn again to see if he is safe and how that has affected things. Anyone who is considering going back to retrieve stuff should rethink that in my opinion until there is a lot more security in place.
We love you all,
Melinda for the Morris family
Hi to all - We, the Olschners - Dave, Mary Anne, Charlotte & Phillip, are in Navarre Fl with Dave's brother & sister-in-law. We are enrolling the kids in the local public high school tomorrow.Our son, Russell, who is on his way home from Iraq with the National Guard will be working in the city when they get home. Please pray for him. We love our Berean family and miss you.
Mary Anne
PRAY PRAY PRAY- Gangs have taken over the city, Oakwood Mall has been burned down by looters. We just saw 4 humvees with Military Police in Ruston and they told us they were heading to New Orleans. Its so unbelievable and sad
Hello Everyone -
The Guthries are fine. We evacuated to Florida for 3 days and traveled to B'ham with our daughter Jenny. We are enrolling Jonathan in school here and as of this moment (it's changes from moment to moment) Arlo and I are planning to head to Hammond early next week.
It's great to hear from all of you and Claudia, I think that Wednesday night group will be growing in size once we are all able to come to gether.
Drop us a line - Cell phones don't work but you can leave a message at the New Orleans residence no. and I will get it. (504) 394-9789.
Love to all and may God continue to reign over our lives.
The Guthries
hey I am safe I was in Hazelhurst Mississippi with my whole family. We
didn't have power but we had it good because we had a generator. I am in
Atlanta tonight with Kelly Driggers Parents. I will be heading to Virgina
soon !! I am soooo glad to hear that everyone is ok. Doug I will be praying
especially for you. I keep looking on the news to see if I can spot your
dad. I love you all and you are all in my prayers
the burtons are all safe in homer, louisiana our phone number is 318 927 9796. we are staying with or i guess living with ann and steve burton.
love ya
hey all! this is Sarah Wofford. Just wanted to let you all know that we are here in Marshall, TX I am flying up to NJ sometime next week. I will be living with my AUNT JANE, then moving to Poughkeepsi, NY and living with Matthew and his new wife and daughter Hanna, which was the plan all along. We will be changing our cell phone numbers to Marshall and NJ numbers. We will let you know as soon as that happens. I love you guys and miss you all so much! Just keep the faith and remember that all things happen for a reason, and even thought their's a lot of bad things going on in N.O right now.. Just think of all the good things that could come out of this. Hopefully people will just turn to God and trust in him. How cool would that be?
My parents, Jordan and Joe are planning on staying in Marshall with my Aunt and Uncle. My Dad is going to start looking for a job. My uncles is going to get the word out at the church and some other places. Jordan will probably start school on MONDAY. Please pray for him as he starts a new school. He's not big on change and will be tough on him. My uncle goes to a great Bible Church so hopefully he will get plugged in there. I am going to the COLLEGE group tonight with my cousin carrie.
God Bless you all,
My e-mail is SARAHBARA37@hotmail.com. I would love to hear from some friends who I might not see for a long time :-(
It has been wonderful to hear about so many of our church family. We are in the Houston area staying with Grant's fiance's family --the Martins.Margaret Reily,if you hear from Patty Hotard please post it on this site. Hopefully she knows your website and will contact you. Thanks Traci for your call---we still have not been able to contact the van houtens but are happy to hear they are well. This did not catch Our Lord by surprise...He is in Control...He is listening to our every plea...We are in His Grip.....Maddy Isaminger
from: DaOtherViles
Wow! so good to hear from everyone. It is really encouraging to know how many of our family passed the storm well. We've been watching events unfold from up here in Maryland - well Karen has been watching, I've been reading various blogs and forums - and I totally agree with Doug; it has been surreal. Just when you think things have started to turn the corner, the news reports some other tragedy (looting, canals breaking, bodies in the water, etc.) I've found myself wondering if the media isn't acutally trying to make things sound worse than they are?
Karen's family got out on Sunday, they are in Lufkin, TX. Karen's mom is thinking that she will be able to return on Monday.
Karen has also been talking with Lorraine B. she's in TX with relatives.
Chris White, etal. are in Dallas as well and the three oldest children (Dom, Becka, David) are already enrolled in TX public school system. Chris's job has moved him to Dallas, so they'll be there for awhile.
Judy Bradshaw and children were with them. They will be heading on to Nebraska. Her husband remained in NOLA to work with the Levee Board
Know that Derwood Bible Church is praying for you all.
Matthew, Karen and Hannah Vile
Hey everyone. Glad to hear that so many of you are safe. Trish and I have been praying for you constantly, and many people in our church have asked us if we've heard from anyone. Our church is going to commit to help Berean for an entire year (if not more) with anything you guys need. Hang in there.
Stan Wallace, Ian & Vyanca arrived to stay with us in NE Tennessee yesterday. Andrew is currently in Mobile, and we're working on getting him here. We have plenty of people offering rooms!
Friday, Sept 2
Hello to all of my Berean family,
I and my mother, sister, aunt, cousins, nephew and their families are being housed in 4 homes in the Bayou Goula and Baton Rouge area. Our aunt and cousins who live here have embraced us and are comforting us with TLC. We are so grateful we are all safe, although, between us have lost 5 homes with an additional 2 in Slidell an unknown. As most of you know, most of my mother's family need the Lord. Please pray for me as I try to minister to people who have no real hope to cling to. God has already given me and my saved cousins I am staying with, blessed opportunites to help the others begin to see a God who truly does love them beyond their understanding. Continuing on to some eye witness news from the Eastbank of New Orleans, my cousin Forrest is in the Jag Corp with the Army and volunteered to help in the Superdome and then on the streets since Sunday. He has been working nonstop since and was released last night and arrived here exhausted. He says he met many wonderful, grateful people, but the things you are seeing on the news that are happening in the streets on the Eastbank are true. There is no law now in effect in New Orleans, and chaos reigns in the streets (on the Eastbank) created by the criminal element left who are looking for drugs, as well as food and water. Please pray that the help the government is sending arrives very soon with more on the way. The National Guard who have been there since Sunday are totally spent with no sleep and little food. Most have no idea help is even on the way. Continue to pray for our city. I know God is at work and will redeem this in ways only He knows. I will be so honored to be used by Him to minister to the beloved people of the city I have lived in all my life. I know we are all praying that New Orleans will not be the same, but will become a field of revival for the Lord. God has given us the opportunity to make a real difference as a Body of Christ. You can reach me on my cell at 504-952-4509 or at my cousin's house (the Garrett family) at 225-545-2058. I love you all. Eileen Daspit
Hey guys,
Does anyone have a home phone number for Kay and Ed Geno in Baton Rouge? I didn't bring my directory with me (another thing i left behind! ) and i'd like to contact them to see if they'll check on tim. i think their home number is unlisted; i can't get a number for them off information. please email me at melindamorris@cox.net and tim at temorris@cox.net if you have the number.
also, a suggestion: before you head back to n.o. to try to get stuff (whenever that will be) seriously consider getting a tetanus booster and a hepatitis A vaccine. The kids had to get them to start school here anyway and the state health department here strongly urged me to do so as well to protect me when we go back. they said these types of vaccines frequently run out in big disasters.
Annie, Patrick, and I are safe and sound for now in Dothan,
Alabama with friends from home where I grew up. We have no
idea about the condition of our house in Algiers on Steeple
Chase Lane between General Meyer and river road next to Jo
Ellen Smith Hospital property. If anyone is still in the
area that can give me an update on that area, I would
appreciate it.
We thank God for our well being and look forward to His
provisions in the coming days, weeks, and months.
Take care.
We love you all in Christ.
Russell Saliba
Hey everyone. Talked with Ed & Carol Turnbull today. They rode out the storm and are now in Texas. They can be reached at 936-897-2172.
Cindy here in Morgan City. Nathan is registered to start school Tues. It's been good to see people I grew up with. One of my childhood best friends is the principal of the High School. God is providing us here with family and a community who are awesomely taking care of us. Will probably start work at local hospital next week.
If any of you are considering a new career, I highly recommend Nursing. Most of the universities are waving tuition. We are in an unbelievable shortage. And what a ministry you can have.
Found a great group of believers next door that attend a non-denominational church will check out on Sunday.
Has anyone heard from Kevin and Pam Chiasson? Please send phone numbers or pass mine along. I'm at 985-384-4889 or cell 504-376-3483.
Does anyone have the Avry's cell phone number? We know Marguerite McLaughlin evacuated w/ them last Saturday but we have been unable to get hold of her and are very concerned. We're in contact w/ her family who also have been unable to reach her. Please let us know. You can reach us at (985) 774-9334 or if that number doesn't work (254) 498-7936. Also, does anyone know if the homes along General DeGaulle flooded? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
-Barbara Tarjan
Frank and Diane Wilson- We are currently in Bedford, Texas.and plan on moving tomorrow to Roanoke, Texas, a town about 10 min. from here. We have had numerous chances to talk about spiritual things to people at the hotel and other places. We had a chance to have dinner with Frank De Salvo and some of his family.and tomorrow we will have a bar-b-cue with the principle of a local school. Keep the Faith
We've been in contact with the Averys and Burtons through email ... I will send them your message. Chris B posted in another message about trying to find Ronnie Brechtel in Belle Chasse but they didn't have numbers. Hopefully they'll contact you soon.
Dear Frank and Diane----Maddy Isaminger here. Remember how you house and care for so many people in your home....well in Houston ther are brothers and sisters in the Lord who would love to have you come. Members of Chase and Ronda's church home here have said they want to help....now it is time for you to visit a "bed and breakfast"... Love, Maddy 713-927-7556
From Laura Hogue
So good to here from all of you. Charlie and I, Emily and Katie, my parents, Charlie's parents and a yappy little dog, Poke, are alive and well in Mansfield,LA. It is 31 miles south of Shreveport. A wonderful dental friend has a house he wasn't using there, big with lots of bathrooms, fully furnished-which he has offered to us indefinately. The girls are registered at Caddo Magnet School, similar to Franklin, in Shreveport. People here are so generous and friendly;we can never repay their kindnesses. At this moment we are using the computers in the public library, no questions asked. The girls have even been "shopping" in various closets around here. We have heard conflicting reports about the Westbank-there probably was no flooding on most of it, and structurally the houses are reported mostly intact. We have heard of looting in Tall Timbers but not all of it. We have also heard that the National Guard is over there now, so that is good news. Has anyone heard about English Turn or New or Old Aurora? We heard that New Aurora by the fire station fared well in the storm, and that Woodland Hwy is passable mostly.
Thanks so much to those keeping this blog going; we love and miss everyone. My heart breaks for those so much worse off than us. Praying ceaslessly,
Laura for the
From Laura Hogue again-
We can be reached at (318)872 0290.
Hi everyone. Lorraine B. here. Just a thought: buy the supplies you think you might need wherever you are now and save all the receipts. (i.e., bedding, etc., if you think your house got flooded, and shower liners to lay on the floor to keep the bedding dry; cleaning supplies, trash bags, rubber gloves; face masks; simple food and water.) We understand most things are reimbursible. If families are safe and accounted for, all else can be replaced.
Love and blessings to all.
Lorraine Bourgeois
Hi everybody, Allison & I live in Frisco, Texas- about 30 miles north of Dallas. Our house loaded to capacity with family.
Leonard & Peggy Miller stayed with friends of ours for the past couple of days. They'll be running back & forth between Mississippi & California for a while, then plan permanently up here near me.
We're praying for you all.
To Hogues:
Old Aurora seemed to be ok. Schuler house, Olschner house (Old Aurora) and Marvin house (Bocage) all along Woodland were ok as far as water. Lots of wind damage to roofs and trees down but that's about it. Any more news that we hear we'll pass along.
To Salibas:
The Schulers are at Camp Victory in Samson, AL. Please call us or e-mail so we can possibly hook up with you.
334-898-7948, 504-232-9262,
Just got off the phone with the GLENN & BETSY MIDTBO. They are fine... in Maryville, TN staying with Betsy's mom. They can be reached at 865-984-0301. They send their love & prayers to all-- As do we.
Vince & CJ Willis
901-413-7307 cell
If you can find Hope Community Church just off hwy 51 south, about 2miles inside the Tipton County line-- we meet at 10:30am on Sunday-- It's a small church- Come as you are most comfortable.
We Love you Berean Family!
We were wondering about you guys! It seems like most of the Armed Forces could easily get going temporarily in another city. Glad to hear y'all are okay.
As for the tithes, the church uses Hibernia, and they have been out of sorts since their main offices are in New Orleans. We are in the process of trying to get our accounts going. We should have some info by mid week. Also, be sure to visit the message board (http://bereannola.proboards55.com). We want the conversation to start shifting over there.
Hi to all; thank you, Doug, for this blog! As CJ Willis said, Glenn and I and our boys are living with my mom in Maryville, TN. We were able to contact a neighbor earlier in the week who told us that our house has a tree leaning on the back, but no apparent damage--good news for us indeed! Leslie (Glenn's daughter) and her boyfriend Justin are currently living in Greenville, MS with friends of Justin's. Justin had just purchased a house on Jefferson Ave. just off Freret, and we don't know the condition at this time. Please pray for them as we will help as much as we can, but their resources are a bit limited. We are planning to remain here for the time being; no information on Glenn's work, but we are well and that's what matters. God is good; love to all of you! Also, has anyone heard from Gene and Bonnie Carr or any of the Turners? How about Jim and Kathy Melchers? We have computer access at my sister's, but it will be sporadic. Love you all!--Betsy Midtbo
Betsy - Bonnie & Gene Carr are in Jennings, LA. Bonnie left me a message at Laura's dorm with her hotel number in Jennings. I have yet to get through to her but I keep trying. Calvin & Monica,Monica's Mom and Craig & Mallory are in Houston. Mallory is planning on coming to LA Tech. We are excited about seeing them Tuesday or Wens. Calvin wroter earlier this week that Benny had to stay behind at Ochnser and I think Donna was in the Pontchatoula area. I have not hear anything different since then.
We miss you all very much and were blessed by being reunited with Keith & Madolyn this morning at church for a little while. Our thoughts & prayers are with everyone.
Looking for friends who attend Berean...
I am trying to locate Lauren Gegenheimer, Darnell Tierney, and Scott & Jessica Cheffer (all related). They are close friends of mine. Scott and Jes dedicated their son Elijah there this summer. If anyone hears from them, they can contact Heidi Rau at 318-388-4555. Blessings!
I was wondering about them too ... haven't heard anything but I transferred your post here to our message board .... check out the link under "information overload" post.
From Mary Anne O - I'm too dumb to figure out the message board!
Update on Russell - He is still in Kuwait - supposed to return to US on Sept 9 - arrive at Fort Polk on Sept 10 - after that not sure where he'll go. We have spoken to him on the phone and he's with a group from New Orleans and it's killing them to be sitting around waiting and not being able to do anything. Crystal - maybe you can post this for me - thanks MA
Hello all. Lorraine here. Monday afternoon and still in Port Arthur. The law firm I work for is up and running in BR so I'm trying to locate housing there. My brother Ray is driving here today from the Ft. Woth area and will go to Metairie with me tomorrow to check out my house and our mom's. It will be great visiting with Ray and I'm sure he sends you all his love. As far as we can tell from the satellite pictures, our houses look ok.
Hey, if anyone has heard from Kim Hair, PLEASE post it! I know they had planned on staying.
God bless.
My name is Mary Lue Light and I live in Huntington, WV. I was a former Berean Bible Church member. I hope Maddy Isaminger and her family receives this message. I have been so worried about all of my friends in NO. My husband and I lived across the street from the Isaminger family. Today I had conversation with Larry Miller and he gave me this web address so I could read about some of my friends in NO. Love all of you and you are in my prayers. Maddy, I was sure you were in Texas but I could not get you on the Cell phone.Love all of you. Mary Lue
.Dear mary lue and tom......maddy here...yes, we arrived safely in texas.....do know we sustained wind damage to our roof ...down to the plywood, vents missing so probably water damage inside...charlie is thinking about going in to chec...i'm praying for God's will..we have been without our cell phones for awhile...we will be changing locations in a couple of days to possibly an apartment in the houston area without computer access...so i'm sending you a big hug of thanks cuz i know you have been praying for us...we love you and it was such ablessing to hear from you...the Lord has a way of keeping us connected ...til then, love maddy and charlie...chase and ronda are with us...grant and jennifer are in college station,my mom and dad are in baton rouge as are the enos family,the hotard family is in the lafayette area,the fasullo family is also in the houston area...tom ,allie englis contacted us from missouri...she is a senior in high school getting ready for college next year...time has a way of flying...
Hey guys,
This Chris Burton, Glad to here from so many. Good to know every one is O.K. My family and Kevin's family just got back from Lake Providence. La. Found out Sat. that my Grandmother Died. Family asked me to help with the funeral. Did not know if I was going to make it through the funeral but God strengthen me. We have been overwhelmed by His goodness towards us. Just praying for wisdom now, for my family and all of yours. I would ask if you could remember my family in prayer. My mother is carrying a heavy load with all of us and the death of her mom.
love chris
Townsend and Capasso update:
The Townsends are in Mississippi with LaDonna's parents. Contact information is 601 248 2682.
Elise Capasso and the girls are in Italy, and Ciro will be going over there in a few weeks.
Update on Carr's & Benny Turner.
Spoke to Bonnie yesterday, they are in Lafayette and are enrolling the kids in school there. Gene has found some work in Baton Rouge and will be going back & forth. Benny Turner was able to leave Ocshner Hosp. and is with his family in Hammond, LA.
my dad always told me you got to pick your self up brush your self off and start over again love and praying from iowa
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