Gustav Recovery
We all arrived back this weekend to discover minimal damage here in New Orleans. Our church facility has one tree and one portion of the fence that were damaged. The tree is fixed. The fence will hopefully be taken care of this weekend.
We immediately began assessing the needs in our body after the storm. It seems like we have needs that range from unskilled cleanup to skilled repairs. We asked our body to fill out this form in order to let us know that their needs were as well as how they could help meet other's needs.
This Satuday we will be gathering at church to go out and help others in our city. We will meet at 9am, work until around 1pm and then eat a hot lunch together. If you are a church member, and would like to be involved, please let me know.
Thank you to all of you around the country for your support, prayers and phone calls. They are much appreciated. As I watched Gustav disintegrate in the Gulf of Mexico, I couldn't help but wonder if your prayers had anything to do with it.